Problem Solvers

By Mary Berry After something like forty years of going to farm meetings I think I can speak with some authority about the quality the meetings I attend. The first meetings I remember attending were with my father and grandfather. Why they took a determined to be...

Hope For A New Place

By Katherine (Katie) Ellis It is a privilege to write to you today from The Berry Center.  I am grateful to be a part of this important work in culture and agriculture and to be doing so alongside such wonderful people.  The work of The Berry Center is deeply personal...

Good Economic Sense

By Mary Berry Thinking about economics is part of everything we are doing at The Berry Center. That is clear, I hope, in our work to improve our local agricultural economy and with our work to use the Burley Tobacco Program as a model for agricultural policy that...

Farm to Table, Pay to Play

By Sarah Fritschner Many people believe that getting local food into a city is a simple, straight line like this: A  ————–> Z, where A is the farm and Z is the table. Unfortunately, the market doesn’t work in a straight line. Far from...

Cooperation Not Competition

By Marry Berry Michele Guthrie, The Berry Center’s Archivist, recently found this quotation from my grandfather John Berry, Sr., “We agree to differ, we resolve to love, and we may cooperate to serve.” This was handwritten on the top of a church bulletin dated 1949....